Our Supporters
Royal Visits

We have had the privilege of two Royal visits and the support of the Royal family for several years. Back in 2018, we had a lovely visit from their Royal Highnesses Prince William and Princess Kate to our Rising Café restaurant at Coventry Cathedral.
Then, in April 2024, Prince William returned to open Betel’s new national headquarters, Anchor Point, in Aston, Birmingham. To our great joy, this fulfilled the promise he made to us in 2018. At Anchor Point, the Prince spent time talking to our recovering men and women, expressing his admiration for the many wonderful stories of transformation he encountered. We are so grateful Prince William would choose to visit us not once but twice!
Betel is honoured to have the support and partnership of many respected individuals and influential organisations across the UK. From our initial founding to the current day, these key relationships have been essential to Betel’s success. From donations, to providing properties, to offering expertise and guidance, our partners have provided generous and strategic help which has aided us in helping thousands of desperate men and women. As we continue to pursue effective partnerships to provide care for more people, here is what just a few of our past and current supporters have said.
Lily Lewis
Director of Social Cohesion - Addictions Philanthropist
The Bernard Lewis Family Charitable Trust
“Betel has the most impressive sustainable social enterprise model to support their abstinence addiction recovery treatment that I have ever seen.”
Sir Peter Vardy
Chairman, Vardy Foundation
“Betel UK is a one-of-a-kind resource sorely needed in today’s society. I have supported them for several years and know them to be a charity of integrity having indisputable evidence of seeing the turnaround of marginalised lives by the hundreds, at virtually no financial cost to society. Betel teaches recovering men and women that it is possible to take back personal dignity and responsibility for their families and futures. How we need more recovery models like this one.”
Yvonne Mosquito
Former Lord Mayor of Birmingham
“I am delighted and proud that Betel UK has made Birmingham its national headquarters in an area where there are great human resources in the community. The project is fully deserving of our support and I know that Betel will continue to provide a high-quality service to some of the most vulnerable individuals in our community.”

Changing lives together
Donate now and help men and woman receive the support they need to break free from addiction and homelessness.